Our unique Rotary Club Affiliate program allows your club to generate monthly income with little or no work.
All the tools your club needs to be successful are available by just signing up. You will receive your own Rotary Wine Club Affiliate Pack, which includes a DVD video presentation, promotional brochures, and everything else you need to start generating monthly income for your Rotary Club.
Sign Up Now!
Q. How does Rotary Wine Club work?
A. People order a wine club membership or wine gifts at rotarywineclub.com, via mail-order form, or by phone, and during the order or checkout process, they are allowed to choose a Rotary Club to receive a donation of 10% of the cost of their order.
Q. How will my club receive our donations?
A. Every time you club earns at least $100 in donations, a check will be mailed to you. Once your club begins earning 100$ or more per month, your check will be mailed on a monthly basis.
Q. How does my club join?
A. Simply Click Sign-Up Below and fill out the form.
Q. How can I track my donations?
A. Simply visit rotarywineclub.com, login using your account email address and password, under “My Orders”, click “Review Orders/Track Packages”, under “My Orders” in the right column, click “View or Change Order” Under “Order Notes” you will see your Affiliate Report with all the information you need to track your donations.
Q. How can I promote my Rotary Wine Club?
A. Simply visit rotarywineclub.com, login using your account email address and password, at the bottom of the page, click “Club Affiliate Resources” From there you will find all the information and tools you need to make your club a success.
Q. What if I need help?
A. Visit our on-line Club Affiliate resource center, or call us at 1.855.410.2273.